When you realize that more of the same is NO LONGER SATISFYING
Challenging out-dated beliefs about leading and change, we challenge your old habits and patterns in thinking and behaving and support you to take new actions to grow your impact in your organization. We offer individual and team coaching and specialized programs for women leaders, non-profits directors and change agents who want to make planetary impact.
executive COACHING AND Talent development
A powerful process that supports you to generate greater impact and results without sacrificing well-being.
“Working with Terrie is truly a gift. I honestly would not have made it through the last 2 years without her help. Terrie has a knack for asking the right questions, for quickly understanding what is important, and for bringing perspective to difficult situations. Her coaching toolbox is broad in a way that she always has the right tool for the situation and her approach combines an ability to be both unconditionally supportive and challenging at the same time. I love working with her because her insight is based on lived experience and on having been through the fire herself.I feel incredibly grateful for Terrie and I only wish more leaders could have the opportunity to work with her. ”
BECOME A Disruptive coach
As a coach (or leader/manager using a coach approach), it's tempting to stick with the familiar. But in our world, with all the complexity, uncertainty and chaos, the old playbook won’t suffice. More is demanded of us and it’s time for us to work more boldly and deeply.
Enter the Disruptive Coach—a positive, guiding force who challenges traditional norms and outdated assumptions we all live and work by and who calls clients to new heights of growth, resilience, and fearlessness.
22.5 ICF CCEs
That journey starts with The Disruptive Coach Master Class